Looking for old school Alphagamer forum members

The Alphagamer.net forums used to be a small to medium size gaming community with about 1,400 members, 7,000 discussion topics and 67,000 posts as of early 2006. At that point some of the moderators also organized LAN parties (everybody would take his computer/laptop and hook it up on a local area network to play multiplayer games), this might feel strange now with nearly every game being playable online.

Things changed over time (relationships, kids and work) together with the change in the gaming industry which resulted in a decline of my activity on Alphagamer.net.

With that in mind I am looking for old-school Alphagamer.net members. If you were a member of the forums in the early 2000’s please drop a reply here with your member name. Would be great to get back in touch with the old school members :slight_smile: and very curious to hear how you are doing and if you are still playing games.

Looking forward to hear from you!

A lot of time passed since the forum went offline somewhere towards the end of 2008. Obviously a lot of time has passed and a lot changed for me, as expected. I will try to keep it as brief as possible :joy:

In chronological order…

After working for about 6 years in IT consulting I went back to school in 2011 to do a part-time Master in Business Administration. During this 2 year program, that allowed me to visit all part of the world (including the US, China, Mexico, Hungary), I met my girlfriend.

At the end of 2015 we moved to London, UK from Amsterdam, NL where I started working for a Finance/IT Consulting firm. We lived in Westminster, literally 5 minutes walking from the Westminster Abbey and in Shoreditch (a very hype and active area in London with lots of pubs, restaurants, art and clubs).

This is also the period when my girlfriend and I got married! In 2018 to be exact :blush:

In the middle of 2019 we exchanged London for Brooklyn in New York, US, which is where I still am to this day. The start of the US adventure was a bit strange as we just got adjusted to being in the US and then the pandemic hit early 2020 (which was not a great time for anyone but for sure not a great time to be in New York City). But shit happens and we made it work, we are here now for 3.5 years and are fully adjusted :smile:

That is in a nutshell my path between end of 2008 and now :joy: Really looking forward to reading about your journeys.

To be honest, I have a hard time to recall who was on Alphagamer.

Fun fact, my girlfriend is now working at the company of Niels (don’t know his alpha gamer name, was he even on Alphagamer?)

That is not so strange, I think I took the forum offline in 2008… so yeah, not strange. I do have a list of folks I will start to reach out to over time, we will see what happens.

Are you talking about Fishbone (I think this was your friend Niels, right)? Or is your girlfriend working for Klimaat Techniek SP? If so, than yes, my friend (Nils) was actually 1 of the founders of Alphagamer in early 2000’s :slight_smile: but I think it was more me pitching the idea to him than him wanting to be founder of an online gaming community :rofl:

It’s Nils! (and now I need to add another bunch of characters to make the 20).

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